zondag, oktober 03, 2010

Latin Festival, the deserted bike path and soccer...sort of

So it's been a busy week. I was in Melbourne for a three-day training session for consulting skills while Jeroen kept everything in order in Sydney. The course was quite intense, we were kept busy in the evenings with group work, so I only saw the Capgemini office and my hotel room. I'm sure there'll be other chances to have a look around. 

Jeroen went to the FC Sydney game, apparently it wasn't the best soccer match he's ever seen, so if consulting doesn't work out, maybe he'll try out for the team ;)

On Tuesday I had two interviews to join projects at a bank here in Sydney. Both interviews went well and I'll be starting on Tuesday, after the long weekend. Monday is a national holiday, but we decided to stay in the city and visit the Latin Festival and the Jazz festival. Unfortunately it rained almost the whole weekend, so we braved the weather for the Latin Festival, and went to the Modern Art Museum. We also went jogging through the Botanical Gardens, which had some breathtaking views. Next time we'll take the camera!

Walking through the city we found the newly paved bike path with zero traffic, and the City Rangers...?!

Salsa beats

Beetje regen

'Bags' at the Modern Art Museum

Deserted Bike Path

Protecting the streets of Sydney

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Raining in Sydney looks better than raining in boring Holland! ;) I am jealous! Good to read that you are doing great on the other side of the earth! :)

    Cheers! Mirte

  2. Ja hoor Jeroen in het elftal van FC Sydney... :P

    Leuk dat jullie er weer een stukje op hebben gezet! Hier gaat alles gewoon door.. hebben Jasper en Hilde verhuisd, leuk huis! Veel ruimte eromheen!

    Hoe was je eerste dag bij de bank Tarra? Jeroen is er al meer bekend over je project?

    Wie weet tot in t weekend :) xxx

  3. Hallo andere kant van de wereld, ik zit even naar jullie BLOG te kijken op mijn werk. Leuke berichten weer. Ben erg benieuwd hoe het is bij de bank Tarra!

    Het is zo'n super gevoel dat wij onze reis geboekt hebben. Nog iets meer dan 5 maanden en dan landen wij op Sydney Airport!!! Be there! !!!Zeg het maar vast tegen Cap dat ze jullie tegen die tijd niet mogen uitzenden naar waar dan ook!!

    xxx Carla
